Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

went to watch this at theater with wife on Tuesday. 10:30 PM screeniong, hoping for what the reviews said was a great and tight action film.
HOLY FUCK were they wrong. The film could have used a 30-45 minute trim, ESPECIALLY any and all scenes involving that wooden fuck that plays SuperMan, Cavill. he was fucking brutal to listen to and watch, and ruined the fucking movie. GRADE A sux fvrom this bastard dipshit.
I really really liked the last two MI films, but this one was not up to the previous efforts. Plus, tom cruise cannot hide his fat 50 year old face enough. he looks at times like a doughy bitch, probably because he had to finish filming after breaking his leg doing a stunt.
dammit man, and i was gonna ask how was your barfday
i hope you at least ate some cangrejo to make up for that fiasco