One thing we know for sure: Trump and McConnell will get their way with regard to the new Conservative Supreme Court person before the November elections. And nobody, absolutely NOBODY in today's GOP will give a flying fuck about the hypocricy of 2016 and their (unconstitutional!) refusing to even hold a hearing for Obama's pick.
I honestly believe that McConnell is one of the worst human beings ever.
We have already seen the consequences of Obama's concession. (And make no mistake - he had an absolute right to force this because of GOP noncompliance, but he was too nice. I really think he underestimated what was to come in late 2016. Didn't we all?)
You will pay the price for decades.
Did Schumer throw in the towel already? He needs to fight this tooth and nail, even if the outcome is guaranteed. History will record that the Dems were rightfully outraged. Just saying "fuck it we can't change the outcome" will be devastating for the near future and Dem prospects.
Fuck, are too nice. Jesus.