ha ha ha exterminating angel is hilarious
i’ll look for that one you said
just finished watching jane campion’s HOLY SMOKE

aka kate winslet vs. harvey keitel
besides the obvious glory of kate winslet’s breasts (useless to pretend otherwise, and the movie is self-aware in this respect), i really liked it on account of 2... no, 3 more things:
1) it was a really original screenplay, without going into any kind of experimental or “theory” shit. just the kind of story you rarely or never see on... netflix online (ha ha ha).
2) great performances by the two main characters
3) the setting and the australian cast, hilarious/looks awesome
have to say i had not seen a jane campion movie since... eh... since the piano came out! which was great. but then lost track. and this service has a bunch of them now.