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Old 01.24.2018, 09:41 PM   #4935
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Originally Posted by Severian
Sandman definitely > Watchmen, but Watchmen ain’t about capes. I think that book warrants at least two reads.

MAUS is more like Persepolis. Different kind of thing altogether, even from these comics, which are very different kinds of things altogether from regular comics.

Preacher is also some baller ass shit. Not sure if you’ve read that, but it’s worth it. Show’s obviously great, but the book is great in different ways.

i recommend fish. especially small fish at the bottom of the food chain. sardines, herring, anchovies. also apples. also walnuts. all good for memory! also relaxation exercises. reduce stress. clears the head = recollection.

don’t you remember you and i talked about a year ago (maybe less, maybe 6 months ago) about preacher the tv show and you liked tulip and all that? and i told you season 1 was a prequel to the actual comic? ok i won’t get sore. but we talked about it extensively! compared it to the comic! ok.

so, yes, i’ve read fucking preacher and it’s fucking awesome and you’re right it’s fucking great great great.

persepolis vol 1 for my taste beats vol 2 by a million miles. vol 1 is all about escaping and adventure. vol 2 is about, ugh, getting back to prison. a little too bitter for me and lacking structure. but 1 was magick.

the problem with maus for me is that it lacks a compelling plot. this happens, this happens, this happens— it’s a document. it’s an important document no doubt, but it’s a document.

persepolis documents history as well but i has an actual plot—there is tension in the narrative and it moves you forward. the thing that moves you forward in maus is spiegelman’s inherited neurosis. which, i don’t know, he doesn’t really delve into it. he’s a little cold about everything, a little distant. a little too detached, too american.i was disappointed when i read it.

you want to delve into jewish neurosis and historical trauma in the present, read jacobo timerman on the lebanon war. holy mother of fuck. it’s gut-wrenching. he’s argentinian so he doesn’t hold back— he spills his guts in front of you. a brilliant book. a meditation on the horrors of history and about going from victim to perpetrator. deeply, deeply felt.

anyway where was i going with this after 7 vodkas? hm... er... yes! plots. right ways of telling a story. a story says this happened first this happened secod this happened third. a plot tells you the story in a more interesting way.

and sandman— sandman is the mother of all plots. sandman is full of amazing surprises. sandman takes you one way then takes you another way then you arrive to a place and say huh? and wow. it’s just spectacularly well told. seriously. such a well-told story. masterful.

also i know that watchmen is not about capes, it’s about, uh, superheroes being flawed, and borgesian fake documents, and literary devices that were experimental 40 years before the comics. anyway i didn’t like it. i couldn’t like it. so i didn’t like it. and that’s how i didn’t like it. i got it. and still didn’t like it. couldn’t like it. won’t like it. can’t. not interested unfortunately. way the cookie crumbles.

a book that warrants at least 2 reads might be, hm, let’s see, borges’s ficciones. everyone should read that at least once. whatta book.

also, speaking of adult comics, the first several volumes of FABLES were fucking amazing. later it sort of spun off into a bland mess and i stopped buying/reading, kinda like they were milking their earlier success. but fables holy fuck so smart and so epic. the way the characters got reinterpreted into adulthood was a masterstroke. that alone, what it does for the mythical imagination, hasn’t been valued enough yet. sure it has been copied some in some tv shows, like, grimm or something? they attempt something like that? but no. fables. wow. it destroyed my childhood in all the right ways. it said: these characters grew up with you.
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