Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it is on prime and it’s fucking great
and it’s almost a documentary ha ha ha. well not quite— i’ve never been in prison so i couldn’t say. but it does feel very realistic.
one thing that’s great is that, being a late-20th century product, it’s not as graphic as the shit we get today. so while there is a fuckton on violence and gore and abuse, it’s mostly suggested rather than explicity performed the way it is these days. but it’s still edgy as fuck. very very very very good. damn! so good.
Good. The gratuitous violence and rape on, say, Game of Thrones, gets really old and really gross really fucking fast. Like, rape when the source material doesn’t call for it? Rape when the scene is supposed to be a scene of good old *consensual* incest? Too much. Fuck that shit.
I prefer the subtleties. The Americans gets that kind of stuff pretty goddamn pitch-perfect. Still shows enough to let you know what’s happening, but doesn’t seem to aspire to be smut.
Ahh, The Americans.