Thread: how's your pet?
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Old 10.26.2017, 03:03 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man im like the fucking bad news here

howling can be a sign of dementia

it just happens in older cats

this might also be related to the piss (though i have no experience w/ multicat household, hence what bytor et. al. said might apply)

i’d say list aaaaaall of his symptoms and take him to a vet when you get some coin

Fuck, dick and piss.

Ok. I get paid in a couple days, so to the vet he shall go. Poor little guy.

My cat’s name is Tiger. I thought it was so hilarious when I named because he’s all black with little white mitten-paws, but I soon realized that it’s a super common name for cats. Not sure why I didn’t guess that. But it was one of those names that just sounded like him. Like, regardless of the meaning, “Tiger” just matches how he makes me feel somehow. It was like that was his name long before he even existed.

Tiger. My dude.
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