blade runner 2049 for me was really great. blew my mind, better than the original.
loved it except for a handful of details
the cinematography was exceptional— probably teh best thing roger deakins has ever done. visually it’s fucking glorious.
while watching, especially at the beginning, i felt that very little story was stretched out over brooding mood shots— but i actually liked it here because those reflections on water, or falling snowflakes, or rusted textures, or sparks flying sparks, or barren landscapes or whatever were so amazingly done, that i said: “okay, i accept this.” the movie could have been a lot shorter without that, but i’m glad it wasn’t.
with all that spectacle in mind it was really well worth it going to a wall-to-wall screen with recliner seats that stretched like a lounger and sound that rattled the back of your head. it was totally immersive.
having said all this, i think it was hard for people who have not seen the original to fully grasp the story— to get who deckard was or to understand the whole backstory of the tyrell corporation or to get what jared leto, what’s his name, was trying to do. a quick written intro at the beginning is not enough. it was barely enough for me having seen the original many times.
plus there were nods and allusions and quotations— they were so well done! they did not feel contrived or mercenary—that someone who didn’t see the original misses out.
plus this one really elaborates on (and twists) the plot of the original. it’s really a sequel, not a standalone. but it’s one of the rare cases when (i think so anyway) the sequel is better than the original (like the godfather, for example).
the movie of course has its limits. it’s aimed at nerdy boys and it’s sort of out of touch with the times when it comes to gender issues— it sort of pays lip service to them for a few minutes but doesn’t quite do the job and ultimately stays within the usual machismo of the genre. a wasted opportunity there, which is a pity, because with some tweaking it could have bolted ahead of the curve in this front only to add to its greatness.
eta: unless the promise is finally fulfilled in the next installment!