Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hmmm...no way-- i've seen episodes of house. saul doesn't feature flying viruses jumping from an old lady to a teddy bear to a sick child in the hospital
that is more in the tradition of, er, what's the one, CSI, where miraculous science explanations happen in full gci animation for the benefit of the ignorant public-- science as the new opium of the people. and of course--the misunderstood genius! battling the idiocy of others! ughhh..
this is more like the other shit science show... "numbers". where the guy juuuuust happened to have worked in the branch of mathematics that will solve the crime of the week. i tried watching that a bit too some years ago but ayayay.
saul is about the eroding power of lies and has nothing to do with that kinda bullshit. also because they don't have to crank out 30 episodes per year and fill up weekly slots the writing is good and deliberate and free of fluff and filler.
oh, the one with the bullshit science i actually did like was "lie to me," with tim roth. it had good characters and storylines for the most part. turned a bit shambolic near the end and probably a good thing it was cancelled before it jumped the shark.
Lie to me is just House with Tim Roth. It’s House with applied psychology instead of medicine.
I know house is basically bad tv, br it had its moments, and broke through that procedural, once-a-week thing on several occasions. Not great, but not terrible. Gets pretty weird from time to time. I hadn’t seen the entire thing until just a coupe of years ago, and while plenty of it is stupid, it also has some interesting twists along the way.
You’re right though. It’s no Better Call saul, not even the same kind of show, but I was struggling to find something to compare it to that didn’t lend to the argument that it’s nust total shit.