Originally Posted by ilduclo
if you think he has a rational discussion with anyone at any time, you haven't watched him at all 
No I don't think that. But wouldn't it be better to point out his ridiculous, nonsensical "arguments" about ghouls taking over AND the fact that he admitted his entire persona was an act than to just... Fucking throw coffee at him like a little bitch?
An opportunity to make him looks truly stupid, and he knew nobody would take it. He knew they'd all throw coffee or yell "Fuck you!" and run off, which only makes him look better and the people who hate him look worse. Especially to the morons watching him.
All around pathetic fucking display, from all sides. I'd absolutely LOVE to have an opportunity to ask him some pointed questions on camera. It would be so easy to be the bigger person in that scenario and yet nobody chose to do it, and his fans just LOVED that vid, and his critics just jizzed over someone acting like a seventh grader.
Way to stick it to the man, Seattle. Say noting and do stupid shit. Very Effective.
Pains me to say it because that's my fucking home, but Seattle screwed the pooch. Big time.