Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I find II to be overlong, and the whole character of Bill and his slave assassin concubines to be thin and unbelievable in ways the ridiculousness of the previous 240 minutes were not. I do not understand how the little girl treats someone she never met like a close relative, or how the little girl seems to not give a flying fuck about the fact that the old fart who is her dad suddely is not around anymore. I don;t think there is any "substance" in either part actually, as it is all just a glorious pastiche of about 30 different films. Great entertainment, up to the last 45 minutes. so slow. so boring. so weaksauce.
Im pretty sure we've been over this before, so sorry in advance for repeating myself, but I saw the first Kill Bill and I thought, "Tarantino's back, and he doesn't give a FUCK. This is awesome."
Waited like everyone else for vol. II, and when I saw it I was so determined to like it I couldn't admit that it felt like a letdown.
Only after repeated viewings did I realize that the two movies combined have a little bit of pretty much everything anyone could ever want in a movie. Vol. II is harder because it shows some lows for the protagonist, instead of just showing the protagonist doing nothing but kicking ass after ass after ass. It shows her losing, and it shows her in peril, so it's less of a crowd pleaser. But it has some poignant emotional moments. David Caradine was excellent. The drama was real, not fantasy, and there are some interesting, intimate character studies in there.
Five-point palm exploding heart technique is a metaphor for heartbreak, of course.... was it you who was irritated about that? I forget. Anyway, it served its purpose. All things considered, the two movies together are my second favorite Tarantino film. Not that I watch it often.