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Old 07.25.2017, 07:23 PM   #1430
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Originally Posted by ilduclo
here's a funny article on GoT.

• At some point Martin must have gone on a trip to the Everglades, breathed in the heady Florida air, and thought, "Man, I could really go for some vagina right now." That is the only reason I can think of why, in A Feast for Crows, he calls a lady's bits a "Myrish swamp."

• "The hair at the juncture of her thighs a brighter red than that on her head. Does that make it even luckier?" No, Jon Snow. Ygritte's pubes are not a rabbit's foot. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

• Nipples of massive girth, darkness, and circumference: Martin is obsessed with them. The same woman of Myrish swamp fame (congrats, Taena Merryweather!) also has "big dark nipple[s]," while one of the Martell ladies has "huge dark nipples" that are also "responsive." A hooker's nipples are "fat" and "brown," while another pair of nipples are "wide pink circles." "Her nipples were two black diamonds, her sex slick and steamy," Martin writes at one point. And at least one knight gets a nipple shout-out: "Her fingers found his nipples," Martin notes, "pinching till he spent his seed within her."

• When Samwell Tarly of the Night's Watch finally makes an oopsie and forgets his vow of chastity, Martin describes Sam's penis as a "fat pink mast." Sam is fat, so his cock is also fat, because that's how penises work. Does Sam's mast have little sails on it? Is his cock the driving force behind some kind of sex boat? I think that's what's going on here. Maybe he can sail into a Myrish swamp!

I thought the latest episode was way too talky and I don't really like the Pilou Asbæk character. Did that one with a paint roller. WTF


I read the books, and enjoyed them despite the fact that all of this ^^^ is 100% true, on-point criticism. It's like a soap opera for dudes, I guess. Not that dudes can't like soap operas, or ladies can't like GoT, but that's just what it fucking is. We pay attention for the depravity. Also, some of the characters have moments where I don't hate them and want them to die (mostly Tyrion), so that's nice she that happens.

I don't watch the show because I don't do the unnecessary rape thing. I watched 1.5 seasons and was all raped out, and apparently the true raping had not yet even begun. Raping in the show when the sex is consensual in the book (Cersei and Jaime)? Fuck that fucking shit in the ass with a big ass sword.

No point in watching if they're detracting from the books. Why are they doing that? Because we're stupid and we're fickle and we watch no matter what, and they need to keep the vermin fed.

GoT is gross. But I'll totally be reading Winds of Winter if that fucker ever comes out.
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