coincidentally I re-watched Deadpool over the weekend as well. I... love that movie. Mainly because it's rare that I comic book movie is so true to a comic book. Not a specific story or anything. I just mean they didn't say "well, we have to make Deadpool fit into a PG-13 box." They said "well, Deadpool in a movie should be like THIS" and just let it happen. As a big fan of the comics, I was super impressed w/ how accurate it felt. (So if you don't care for the movie, you certainly will hate the comics).
Ant-Man is an interesting entry in the MCU. It's basically a comedy, huh? I enjoyed it but mostly because I like Paul Rudd. I'm actually sort of amazed that they made a whole movie for Ant-Man. And that there will be a sequel. It almost seems like his part in Civil War could have been enough. So yeah. I liked it, but it's kind of unnecessary too. Shrug.