Originally Posted by Severian
Symbols, have you been watching Better Call Saul season 3?
I'm watching Silicon Valley and Veep like a muh. Also other stuff. Unfortunately I don't have. STARZ or Showtime, so no American Gods or Twin Peaks for me. 
no way. i don't have cable. never/rarely have had it.
i get my sports via the web these days.
i was gonna install cable last summer but in the end it didn't pan out. turns out i really fucking hate cable. it's 1000 channels of shit i dont wanna watch and when they finally have something i want it's full of fuckingc ommercials and unbearable noises. and yeah i could add a recorder to skip all that but it's more and more money for each new layer/tier/service and i am a fucking prole and watch my money accordingly..
SO... if you look above you'll see it's all either old seasons of stuff or amazon originals or something like that. because. yeah. a full year of soccer is $140 and prime tv is plenty plus a couple of netflix dvds these days because i'm so busy lately i don't have time to watch a lot of movies. i mean, the attention span is hard to support and pausing doesn't work. 25 min TV shows are my new holy grail. one rest pomodoro.