Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
tell that to the better business bureau, a completely made up association of car dealerships who were sued in the 70's for price fixing and collusion and who created the BBB as a way to do "self-governance." Now the BBB (always a bullshit organization) is being sued because they strongarm businesses into giving them donations in exchange for good BBB ratings. IT IS ALL A CROCK OF SHIT.
i never said that collusion doesn't exist! i only said that the examples you quoted do not require collusion, just natural, spontaneous, safety-in-numbers, herd behavior.
i also said that free enterprise is desirable per your post-- if collusion is bad, then free enterprise (and being able to buy whatever car you want from any manufacturer, etc) is good, and therefore not bullshit.
as to "all" being a crock of shit. ah ha ha hahaha! come on! YES! the universe is an absurd joke. enjoy it while you can.