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Old 04.22.2017, 06:20 PM   #20966
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
It's definitely just pure economics at this point. The money that franchise makes is mind-boggling. I'm sure everyone involved reckons it needs to die but they're just making too much money keeping it alive.

I heard Jason Statham and Dwight Johnson are making a spin-off or something? Like, in retaliation to the actual franchise, presumably doing something they didn't like? I actually don't think either of those actors are in any of the movies, but who the fuck can tell anymore?

I think 99.9 percent of franchise films just totally and epically suck. Not counting trilogies, of which there have been some goddamn good ones like Evil Dead, Dark Knight, the "Dollars" trilogy (aka The Good, the Bad & the Ugly and predecessors), The Godfather, Polanski's Apartment trilogy — but once you get past 3, you're pretty much guaranteeing either commercial or critical failure and humiliation.

The exceptions are, I guess,
- Harry Potter, in the sense that all of the movies are fun to watch and hit their mark
- Stars Wars, if you exclude the prequels
- Star Trek if you exclude everything from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home to the 2009 reboot
- and Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies. Yeah, they might look like separate interconnected series and trilogies, but let's be honest... they're all just one big circle-jerk, from Iron Man to Doctor Strange. But they hit their mark and none of them eat total shit, so that's a success story baby!

That's all I can think of. What's that you say? James Bond? I challenge you to watch those movies as an adult and tell me that more than three of them are actually good films.

What the fuck was I talking about when I started this? Oh, Fast and Furious. Yeah. Never seen a goddamn one of them. Caught a few minutes on Tv once and learned all I needed to know.
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