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Old 04.21.2017, 11:20 AM   #20951
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's from the 80s, at the height of the red/nuclear scare-- war games, the day after, etc. militaristic shit shifted from ww2 stuff to the then-present like top gun. rah rah america

people really were afraid they'd die in a mushroom cloud or from radiation poisoning. not like in the 60s when they'd tell you to hide under a desk, but this time you knew you'd be obliterated by ICBMs. no need for cuba.

there was also the neutron bomb (see: repo man), and ronnie raygun wanted star wars. the soviets were in afghanistan. a kgb man became soviet prime minister.

the soviet union was crumbling from within, but they didn't want you to know that-- they wanted you to be scared of the "evil empire" instead.

9/11 type "terrorism" doesn't hold a candle to the existential dread of the 80s

and gorbachev came as a huuuuuuuuuge relief

incidentally, i'm watching season 5 of "the americans" on tv which illustrates much of this

I remember a bit of this, though I was pretty young. But I do recall "red scare" topical plot lines taking over a lot of cinema. Like Rocky IV or Superman IV -- not rife with Cold War analogies. Not very subtle in Rocky's case... more like a blunt force blow to the head.
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