Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Why thank you good sir  It's nice to know that you appreciate my typing efforts on behalf of Peter Lynch, otherwise SYG-viewers will assume that the whole thing was simply some random keyboard-bashing that I put together myself. I agree with you about Bigas Luna - a shame he never got quite the recognition he deserved over here (unless Mark "I could've been in Gallon Drunk, you know!" Kermode has started banging on about him in more recent times), but I think his work stands up to repeat viewing to this day.
Seeing as Lynch mentions Tinto Brass (sorry, I mean Maestro), if you're interested, check out some of his late 60's films, such as "L'Urlo". They make absolutely no sense whatsoever - even the late Warhol would have judged them as being "too random" - but they're still great fun to watch. Not too sure what you better half would make of them, though!
Does anyone here want to read my review of "I Bought A Vampire Motorcycle?"
Yours always, Melly (currently building a shrine to Claudia Kroll) SingsDoom.
oh i. just realized you were correcting lynch about antropophagous beast not la teta y la luna sorry ha ahaha. my bad.
of "the maestro" (this reminds me of seinfeld... who was it?) i've only seen the infamous caligula. now i wanna look again... preferrably at his non-chopped up works