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Old 03.18.2017, 05:50 PM   #20848
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Originally Posted by ilduclo
symbols, Amazon is on a boycott list now, they are advertisers on Brietbart and other right wing sites.

Yep. Also, they're kind of an awful company. I say this not only as a Pacific Northwesterner who has seen young tech money flood into Seattle, leading to an incremental gentrification of a city that used to have a giddily abnormal culture of eccentric artists, musicians and folksy homeless dudes, but also as a former account administrator for a large commodity brokerage company that may or may not have had direct dealings with ... well, I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to say.

But I managed accounts for a certain client, and that client had a bit of a reputation for treating its administrative, data entry, and sales employees very poorly. If you're gunning for a constant expansion in services, and complete dominion over a substantial chunk of the internet distribution market, you don't care much about the people who are picking up phones and entering numbers. If speed, efficiency and expansion are your goal, you might lay off entire departments and tap into the brokerage pool to handle said departments' duties. So you put people out of work in your immediate vacinity, and replace them with a bunch of glorified temps you've never met. They'll make less money because they're being paid by a company that won a contract, not by you and your empire. There is no direct oversight, and silly little things like employee benefits are no longer a concern of yours.
The SUPER disposable brokers work remotely and report to some asshole whose salary depends on keeping your account alive. As such, any problems that come up with metrics are easily "handled" by firing one of the jokers who works for the brokerage firm -- you don't even have to be aware of it. You're "expanding" by playing into a massive outsourcing scheme that is shady as hell in a million different ways. It's also kind of the backbone of modern commerce, which is depressing as fuck:

So... yeah. I thought it was hilarious when the Fire Phone tanked. Hahaha. That thing was about as popular as mad cow disease.


/iPhone guy
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