Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ah ha ha. hm, no that wasn't very funny. the best thing about that movie probably was that the girl from brazil was in it, and janeway in the 8os was hot! the mom was a great cartoon but i don't know if she was well used either. not really my thing. in any case...
also watched
HUEVOS DE ORO (GOLDEN BALLS) - bigas luna directs a tragicomedy with javier bardem, maria de medeiros, maribel verdú (y tu mamá también), and a small part by benicio del toro. really great, i loved it really, great characters and story, and his usual surrealist approach to sex and ideology is hilarious here. brutal, primitive, satirical, disturbing, etc.
don't know why bigas luna never made it bigger. maybe he's hard to understand outside of spanish-speaking countries. to me he was brilliant. the dvd transfer however is pretty meh and one of the audio sountracks is a dubbing... in spanish! aaa ha haaa haaa haaa. who the fuck dubs a spanish movie into spanish? haaa haaa haa haa. so strange. anyway, a memorable film regardless.

(The following post was written by erstwhile "Flesh And Blood" magazine contributor Peter Lynch, and ghost-posted by this user. The views held by Peter Lynch do not necessarily correspond to those held by MellySingsDoom. All right reserved by P Lynch. Down with Media Publications!)
Hmm yes, Bigas Luna - an important, nay vital, player in post 1960's cinema, I think you'll find. Mister Luna, or "Maestro", as he should be called, is an important auteur in the field of erotic cinema, who truly understands the undercurrents of desire and pleasure in the society we live in today. Such fine artistry, which he developed following his apprenticeship with LEGENDARY Italian director Tinto Brass (or "Maestro", as he should be called), can be seen in such films as the afore-reviewed "Huevos de Oro" (released in the UK under the title of "Bacon and Eggs").
In this 1993 film, the sheer quality and vision of this Castillian director shines through, not least for the palpably brilliant decision of having Javier Bardem resemble John Travolta's brother. And yes, another fine ensemble cast has been gathered here, with the cameo role of Benicio del Toro (who played the attorney guy in Terry Nation's "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas") being a fine addition to the overall psycho-sexual erotic stew.
It's good that, as always, our Stateside friends are able to witness such fine artistry in the way it was intended to be seen, unlike the state of things in this country, where the Dark Ages continue to exist in Soho Square (DO YOU HEAR ME, JAMES FERMAN???), so we have to endure a SAVAGELY CUT version of this otherwise vital piece of cinematic excellence.
I would like to recommend to all members of the Sonic Youth Gossip forum to see forthwith Luna's peerless "La Teta Y La Luna" (shown in UK Cinemas under the title "The Female Mammary Gland And Keith Moon"), where Luna's concerns of eroticism and personal relationships hits it peak, with the wonderful Mathilda May in the leading role as the titular Teta. Truly heart-warming stuff for the hot-blooded cineaste (just don't take your missus to see it though, eh lads? Eh?)
Ms May's effortless acting abilities betray her having a tough apprenticeship in her early years, where she started out with small roles in zero-budget efforts such as Joe D'Amatos notorious "Antropophagous Beast" [Melly intervention: Lynch, you idiot, that wasn't Mathilda May - that was Serena Grandi! You should have consulted Julian Grainger's database before writing this post. Thank God I'm being paid in Luncheon Vouchers to type this out!], and later on in Tobe Hooper's "Lifeboat", where a certain young Peter Lynch certainly "came of age" when Ms May revealed her talents to the world! Once again, though, the UK has to suffer the OUTRAGE of watching these films at home in the much-loathed PAN AND SCAN format. When will film companies realise that the true cinema watcher demands Widescreen at every turn, anything else is a SHEER ATROCITY!
So to summarise: Bigas Luna is a total cinematic master, and about a million times better than the appalling likes of that so-called "director" who did "All Ladies Do It" (original Italian title: "Cosi Fanni Tutti Frutti"). Forget Truffaut, Hitchcock and Ferrara - Bigas Luna stands head and shoulders in today's cinema world!