Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
That's what I was talking about earlier. When Touré and Silva were in charge of City's playmaking (not to mention they're excellent when it's their turn to score), things were more effective, more solid. Squarer? Nah, there was enough movement around them, particularly during Pellegrini's first season in charge.
The weirdest thing with Pep is he seems set on finding problems where there aren't any (Aguero?) and seeking solutions to actual problems that only end up creating different ones (Stones? Bravo?). Man City definitely needed tinkering with after the Mancini/Pellegrini era but not the way Pep's going about it.
Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Sidelining any of them is insane, because in addition to their "strength and physicality", as you correctly call it, they have MAD SKILLS! What better combination can there be?
Completely agree. Didn't want to imply that's all they were.
Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Dude, Suárez EATS PEOPLE.
Have you seen what Chiellini's wearing for the quarter finals?