Originally Posted by _slavo_
I feel kind of bad for Pep, though. I like the guy.
This season's been a real eye-opener for me. I still like what he stands for (and obviously admire what he's achieved) but this is the first time we've ever seen him really struggle and it's bringing out a side of his personality we (or at least I) hadn't seen before. His
passive-aggressive attitude in some post match interviews definitely reveals a paranoid side to his personality that I wouldn't have previously associated him with. It's easy to construct a quite cool/measured persona when everything's going your way. I also think his past rivalry with Mourinho helped him come across as the good-guy to Jose's pantomime villain. Now things aren't so black and white, we're probably seeing a truer reflection of the kind of person he is - at least in terms of how he presents himself to the public, which after all is the only thing we can go on.