Originally Posted by demonrail666
Maybe, but what credence do you give to SF being taken seriously in academia? At least the oscars have some impact on what kinds of films are made, who makes them, who stars in them, etc. It's nice that academia accepts SF but I don't see how it actually impacts on the genre. I wouldn't even say the writing on SF has improved since university departments have decided its now worthy of discussion.
*Some university departments deem it worthy of discussion.
Otherwise, yes. There are maybe 1-2 truly great SF and/or fantasy books a year, and THOUSANDS of mediocre and outright terrible ones. HUGO doesn't mean much anymore.
The book I've referenced in the what are you reading thread (Ancillary Sword) was the winner of virtually every SF award the year it was released, and yeah, it's fucking incredible, but it's one in a million. Ignored by mainstream critics for the most part.
EDIT: Is it clear that I'm agreeing with you? Not sure if it is. Anyway, let it be known: Severian agrees with demonrail666. About this.
ANOTHER EDIT: I feel like Symbols/Slambang kind of has a monopoly on "ETA," which is why I never write it. But it's an established post-script. "EDITED TO ADD" takes longer to type. If I start appending posts with ETA, and haters start saying I'm aping Slambang, I'm gonna have really hurt feelings.