raging bull is great, often named in many best of the 80s lists as top choice of many critics
perhaps it's the black and white distracting me from important elements, but that didn't become a widely imitated trademark
rather, it was goodfellas
also goodfellas is a lot more fun than raging bull. the spectacle of the masochist it fantastically done, but the story itself doesn't match it for my taste. all that violence and abuse.
in other words, for me the greatness of raging bull is visual above all.
the story in goodfellas has multiple characters, is complicated, scenes are edited in parallel, you get a big picture of things in motion, and there i think it's better than raging bull. also humongously entertaining and rewatchable.
but... it's just opinions on taste so very subjective
hey! i had this on hold for a while so i had not read severian's post yet. might add something else
lol chris nolan. i can't relate, but it's your right. i still prefer memento.
for me raging bull is a better film than taxi driver for sure. taxi driver is more iconic cuz it came earlier with the ultraviolence, raging bull is more demanding and therefore less popular but it's magic. travis bickle's mohawk is recognizably everywhere and belongs on a t-shirt like che guevara, lololol. but raging bull is really fucking great.