Good arguments for Goodfellas' influence, but as far as quality how is RAGING not the obvious choice?
Originally Posted by Severian
But from what I can tell, it's the most artistically nature film among the nominees.
Yeah, and it doesn't need to be. That kind of annoyed me. The realism was gripping, the arty shit not so much, but that could just be my overall taste.
SPOILER??: The ending of Moonlight isn't depressing, but isn't boisterously happy either. Quietly optimistic.
Originally Posted by ilduclo
held my interest, I guess mostly based on the acting.
Damn near everyone acts well nowadays, have you noticed? Even in shitty movies the acting is better than most "good" acting in most 80s films. There must be some genius acting coach in Hollywood we don't know about.
So really, really good acting has to go even further.
I predict Mahershala Ali will win for supporting actor.
I'm not a huge Casey Affleck fan, but as far as leading roles go he really goes the extra mile, and I predict he'll win. He uses his somewhat expressionless style to his great advantage here, a perfect match of actor and role. And he doesn't mumble nearly as much as he does in other films (or in real life).
Although Denzel is a wonder in FENCES. Everyone is, and I predict Viola Davis will win best supporting actress.
Tough competition from Michelle Wiliams, who does a lot with a little. And Octavia Spencer is very likable in Hidden Figures, so she might win just for that.
(Fences a weird movie. It is so amazingly well acted, shot and written. Maybe too good? I struggled the first time through and decided to give it another chance. Can't go more than 5 minutes. It's so boring. Yet so damn good. Can't figure it out.)
Haven't seen Hacksaw or Hell or High Water and haven't finished LaLa.
Wow. No nom for Amy Adams? And I think dude who played the scientist should've gotten a supporting nom. It'll probably lose best adapted screenplay to Moonlight, but it shouldn't.