Originally Posted by tw2113
The tragedy with the quote is that everyone's determined idiot is different.
well i don't drink deodorant but you're right-- there's a profound schism in the way different factions see the world these days
i make an effort every morning to take a look at breitbart and fox news, to see how "the other side" thinks and try to reconcile some sort of reality
but when a president berates a "so-called judge" and threatens the separation of the branches of government-- i don't smell the stench of populist tyrants like hugo chávez because "soros told me".
an authoritarian is an authoritarian is a authoritarian. and authoritarianism is a terrible form of government in spite of short term superficial results and empty promises.
"soros" didn't make me grow up in a dictatorship so i could come to tell you this decades later.