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Old 01.30.2017, 10:10 AM   #2168
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
drunkface steve bannon as permanent member of the national security council is the horror. that on top of sidelining the chairman of the join chiefs and the dni is true lunacy.

hide under your desks while you wait for the nuclear detonation lol.

Oh! yeah! that! That was just... fucking lovely. I read that last night and briefly thought that I was being #FAKENEWSD.

What in god's ever loving crap is happening?

I was ready (or resigned) to let this play out a bit. To watch as my fears and the fears of those around me proved unfounded; as Trump became a typical Republican president after all, perhaps a bit Bushier than Bush (after all, Bush was trying to realize some legitimacy in the face of his father's disapproval — that wasn't all Oliver Stone,), but there is nothing typical about this.

Inserting a perpetually hungover, pedophiloc looking Breitbart motherfucker into the NSC to cap off a week of defying the Geneva Convention and placing a gag order on the EPA... honestly, I know it's only been a week, but how in the hell has the word "impeachment" not at least been floated yet?

"1984" is a best-seller...
Cue the ironic "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music.
For now, it's still a bit funny, as we sit and imagine Trump in what is meant to be the highest and most esteemed office in the country, pointing at TV screens and flopping his fat mouth about crowd sizes, spitting Cheeto crumbs all over Obama's desk calendar, while aides contemplate administering the afternoon Ritalin dose a bit early. But soon... even this unofficial national anthem will lose any semblance of humor. That beloved theme, and universal indentifier of the absurd is SO apt that soon it will sound as ominous as Flight of the fucking Valkyries.
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