Originally Posted by pepper_green
ooh, I got my 1099 in yesterday. that means I have to spend a day going through all my receipts from this past year. I write off anything I can. add it up and take it to my nice accountant lady.
When I was first hired at the paper I worked as an "independent contractor," freelancing for a while before actually joining the staff, so obviously that involved a 1099. I didn't have the time or energy to go back through all my stubs and deduct accordingly, so I just added the total to my income. I don't envy having to do that all the time. Not not bit. I sill freelance a bit on the side so I'll get a 1099 at some point.
If I worked that way year-round, I think I would try to deduct as I went, if you know what I mean. Keep track of Rx costs and medical bills for insurance, and donations, etc. Easier said than done, I know, but maybe it's the way to go. Be tax-minded all year.