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Old 01.20.2017, 11:15 AM   #1052
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I try to write in Human as well...

"race' is such a holdover concept from the white patriarchy supremacy mindset. it needs to be discarded. we are all one species.

From a social science perspective, "race," though certainly an antiquated concept, can have a positive influenc on self-realization and cultural identity. I think a lot of people, even the most progressive, would shun the idea of abandoning "race" if they were asked to do it themselves. I'm not quite sure we're "there" yet. People have a surprising amount of effect-blindness to the negative results of viewing the world in terms of in- and out-groups... in the sense that they see how racial identity can unite, but inexplicably don't seem to see how it can divide. This is true of most people all over the world.

Right now, we're at an evolutionary impasse with regard to this stuff. Most sane people openly admonish segregation when it's imposed, but their own mental schemas of the world are still built on principles of categorization, classification and segregation. They don't want it to be forced upon them physically, but they want to engage in it cognitively and perceptually.

I don't think "we" have the capacity for understanding necessary to surpass this tendency yet. Until we do, I don't think we'll be ready for a "post-race" society.

More likely, it will be a slow brute force act of evolution that wipes out race-centric thinking. Nature will do it, because it's smarter than we are. When everyone has procreated with everyone else so much that racial divisions become imperceptible, then we'll have a fighting chance. Until then, I fear our own limited minds will prevent us from engaging, and sometimes delighting in, this grotesque practice of human taxonomy.

You mention the royal family. Yeah. As long enter countries bow to families for no reason other than their purity, breeding and lineage, things are going to stay ridiculous.
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