Originally Posted by demonrail666
So I was probably wrong in saying stylistically, but in terms of attitude I'd say definitely.
I agree, although those jump cuts in the underrated HUSBANDS AND WIVES feel like a nod (or a steal).
I used to think that some (but not all) of Woody's pseudo-documentary films (he's had a bunch, counting stuff like SWEET LOWDOWN) were somehow influenced by Truffaut, who also used that convention a lot, I seem to remember. Haven't watched him in years. Maybe, maybe not.
Woody's in KING LEAR, come to think of it.
Originally Posted by TheDom
Last Year at Marienbad
Ended up finishing by going in chunks over days. Great film? Sure. But you'd have to pay me a lot to give up another two hours. Sober, the price doubles.
Gimme a movie I like vs a great film any day, although I hope the two should meet now and then.