Originally Posted by demonrail666
Cleverly managed to post this in the football thread by mistake ...
Only God Forgives
Watched in the light of Neon Demon you can see they're from the same director but where Neon Demon seems to go deeper than its glossy surface I'm not sure OGF does.
I'm not sure it does either.
Which isn't to say I didn't like it... or that I definitely liked it. But I loved parts of it. How about that fight scene? With the big build up and the Street Fighter music. "You wanna fight?" Haha. Guess he did.
That was unexpected and ballsy, for whatever it's worth. Even if it's worth nothing. When people wanted Drive 2, he gave them the anti-Drive.
I hope he stops swinging for fences that might not even exist and just makes another great film at some point though. He's definitely got style and the ability to serve up stylized substance. I'd like to see what he's capable of in the realm of more traditional cinema. Not super traditional. Just... y'know... like Drive.
Have I mentioned that I really love Drive? Not sure I have. Don't want to leave you in the dark. I really love Drive.