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Old 01.09.2017, 09:08 PM   #20435
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no, no... dude. no. igby is a good movie. at least on first view, i was impressed and saw the obvious connection to catcher in the rye. in fact i plan to see it again soon.

to your mom, with respect, i'd suggest she idealizes holden. holden has a nice side and loves his little sister, sure.

but holden is also an asshole. a little fuck. he looks down on people-- particularly those of the lower classes. he's a shit to his friends. he's being kicked out of school not because he's too pure but because he's fucking lazy. by today's standards, he's also a homophobe. he's a fucking spoiled brat who doesn't want to grow up-- he wants to be taken care of forever.

but maladjusted in the early 2000s has to be different from 1950. adventures and strange experiences have to change. who the fuck goes to prostitutes anymore?

some reviewer i saw last night after i wrote this called it "holden on crack" or something, and-- yes. right. the 90s had crack (and heroin). worst thing holden could do without going into harlem (he was never gonna go) was get shitfaced.

i think igby captured the spirit and situations of the original book, meaning, "here's a rich white miserable maladjusted teenager", while making it a contemporary story. i'm sorry if other people can't appreciate that or see value in commercial hollywood productions, but i do.

film adaptations of novels usually have to make a ton of compromises because obvious reasons of time, format, medium, etc. so people complain "that wasn't my novel." novel gets better adapted to tv series.

so, catcher is a short novel, needs to be made visual instead of a long verbal rant (i fucking hated when that dude talks to the camera in that music movie, what's it called, the author is nick something, and the actor was in say anything, jack black was in it too, and the glorious zeta... but stfu and show me somthing, movie-- not just yap yap yap).

the only one who can do a long monologue in film was spalding gray. grey? gray? that guy. yeah.

so yeah the spirit of the thing is made flesh (long live the new flesh) and the story gets updated. applause, from me. igby goes the fuck down in history.

btw, speaking of books and teenage movies-- cruel intentions is a more straightforward adaptation of that glorious novel les liaisons dangereuses but made for teenagers instead of old perverts. nothing to do with post-revolutionary france, and rhetorical flourishes, and letter exchanges, but bravo because the little movie works-- as a movie and a cautionary tale for naive teens.

You're talking about High Fidelity. And I loved that movie. Least I did when I was young and dumb. Probably wouldn't now.

I do like Say Anything though.
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