Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sure, if you wanna get anthropological the movie is about the camorra (rhymes with gomorra), but few people know that word; whereas the word mafia is now english (and part of other languages as well) so one can say stuff like russian mafia or mexican mafia or gay mafia or swedish house mafia, and generally communicate
but yes this is not about sicilian incursions into naples (though the two used to be the kingdom of two sicilies, and all sicily way before). this is about just naples and caserta.
the movie is great! just watch it. like a bunch of episodes of the wire jammed into 2 hours.
I was just trying to seem smart

Hah! Anyway yeah, mafia's used broadly at this point, and I guess distinctions between syndicates are unnecessary. In fact, I've noticed a lot of shows and even movies use the term universally ("Irish Mafia," "Russian mafia," "Greek mafia"), which leads me to believe colloquial definition of the word has won out. This is actually kinda sad if you think about it... filmmakers not bothering to do the research necessary. But whatever.
You've sold me on the film man. Will watch. I'm all for zero-glamor in crime movies. One of my major gripes with the Sopranos is that it decided to maintain a relatable protagonist over depicting the characters with a consistent level of despicabiloty. Sure they all had their pathetic moments, but it ran for six seasons so there was plenty of "oh, that's our Tony!" lovability injected into the characters, and it felt like a missed opportunity at the end.
Anyway, I'm on it.
P.s. The Sparrow and its sequel actually have a lot to do with the Camorra. Much of it takes place in Naples... At least.. you know.. when they're not all in space.