Originally Posted by HenryHill51
It is quite divisive. The first half of the film is so utterly weird- full of exquisitely framed images, harsh lighting (with strobe effects) and to top it off, every word from every actress is mumbled in this half-druggy state of awareness. It's hard to make sense of it and then, yes, it does turn into a bit of a horror film whose second half doesn't quite live up to the first. You have to give Refn credit for trying something bold, though. He seems to be one of the few out there given green lights for stuff and then experimenting heavily to see how far he can push it.
Ok, I want to see it now. Thank you.
I remember, when Only God Forgives first premiered on the festival circuit, reading a review that said it was the most polarizing film the reviewer (I forget his/her name) had ever seen. That at the end, about half of those who hadn't walked out booed furiously, and and the other half literally stood and cheered.
I'll admit that while I was watching it, I felt as though I'd been baited and fucked with by Refn. He follows up Drive (already a pretty divisive film, but a huge hit with critics and a cult smasharoo) with
another stylized Gosling flick, which he says is about a man who "wants to fight God." Sounded like another anti-hero flick. What did he give us? An unlikable weakling -- the embodiment of physical impotence, some weird ass Oedipal shit, and one long anti-climax extending over 2½ hours. I still respected it, liked it even, but damn.
Now I'm hearing that Neon Demon makes Only God Forgives look accessible.
I will watch, with caution, based on your recommendation. I do respect Refn as a filmmaker and I want him to be able to continue pushing buttons, but I'm more intrigued by how much he seems to be trying to get me to NOT watch than I am genuinely interested in watching.