Hah, I wrote up a reply thinking you were referring to Drive with the "American rag-rah" and Hollywood clichés comment. I was like, wow you must have watched it a LOT in 5 years if all you're seeing is clichés in that movie. Haha.
But then I realized you were taking about Die Hard and I totally get it. I haven't watched that movie in at least a decade. It's become too pasteurized by pop-culture references and *wink-wink* ironic "my favorite movie of all time" nonsense to have any enduring kick. I probably won't watch it again for another 10 years if ever, but I still think it's a classic.
Re: Alvin Lucier - Yep, I know the one. It's called "I Am Sitting in a Room" and I think it's an apt analogy for a movie like Die Hard. But not for Drive