Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man, whenever you put long texts in quoteboxes it makes it really difficult to read. not being a dick just reporting what my senses gather.
The reasons I "put long texts in quoteboxes" —some short texts too, actually— are a) Making explicit that they aren't my words while preserving the quotation marks as they appear on the original text, and b) Giving the lazy ones here the chance to get interested in a text which they wouldn't go to if I just posted the link ("Uhhh... Pffft, Christgau... I killed him with my dick...

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
suggestion: copypaste a choice blurb, in italics if you must but no quoteboxes, and then put the link to the full article where the interested can go read
Well whaddayaknow — long texts fully in italics are annoying to
me (heh). More importantly, JESUS FUCK I DID PUT THE LINK GODDAMMIT, IT'S RIGHT ON THE PIECE'S TITLE. ARE YOU NOW GOING TO TELL ME I GOTTA COPY AND PASTE THE LINK JUST AS IT IS AND NOT LINK UP SENTENCES? Also, are you gonna tell me you don't like words in capital letters either?