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Old 11.30.2016, 10:41 AM   #20082
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I dunno this whole prequel thing is just getting on my nerves. The best mythologies I think are those that leave key areas blank rather than try to give a rational explanation for things which, in the case of Prometheus, ended up being a bit of a let down compared to the one I'd kind of constructed in my own head based on scraps of information from the orig. and its sequels.

That plus a mostly forgettable, interchangeable cast - especially compared with the original.

Ultimately though, it just felt like a film that didn't really need to exist.

Fair enough. I do know what you mean about prequels. In theory, they're supposed to help with "world-building," and mythologies, but they almost always end up undermining that very thing.

Look at fucking Star Wars. Man, talk about almost killing the most profitable franchise in history at the very moment when that franchise was trying to make a long-awaited return. Ick.

Or the Hobbit. Personally, I think Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies were overrated. The first was the best and the rest were simply enjoyable. But wasting THREE MOVIES on the shortest and simplest Tolkien book just to expand on a brand that had already been critically and commercially massive ended up making the entire franchise feel gratuitous. Should have started with the Hobbit and just made a solid movie out of it, or left it alone, or at the absolute most made it a one film affair... little bonus for sad fanboys.

In fact it's hard to think of any prequels that have truly worked out or been legitimately successful.

But still.. I think Prometheus was great in part because it didn't rely too heavily on the familiar. Sure, that's what everyone wanted and expected... lots of alien shaped aliens. And that movie would have probably been really cool if Scott had decided to make it. But instead he made something with a different flavor. A more expansive and epic kind of movie that you don't need to be a fan of Alien to like. In fact, being an Alien fan might make it a good deal harder to like. But for me, it was cool as hell.

Maybe the next film will take us right up to the events preceding the original Alien. That's what's everybody wants, right? Obviously the vibe is going to be more "Alieny." More likely it will be a trilogy, and that won't happen until the third film. But either way... Ridley Scott + space opera + Aliens/aliens = good enough for me.
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