- dont know who coined it but there is a theory explaining the political power changes in the USA over the last 100 years, which describes it as a battle between two specific groups of very rich powerful people.
These are labeled the "Yankees" and the "Cowboys".
The Yankees are old-school New England/Old South money/power, the Rockefellers, the Bushes, the Kennedys, the Rothschilds, etc.
The Cowboys are newer-money/power players from Texas/California, fir example Bill Gates, The Hughes family, all the rich and powerful from Cali and Texas who made their money in oil and land and industry.
The past 100 years are a constant cycle of battle between the yankees and the Cowboys for control of the white house and government in general.
Party lines have nothing to do with it. The rich and powerful own both political parties (obviously) and use them as avatars for their own agendas.
check it out.
William H. Taft - Yankee: Yale grad, member of skull & bones, father was US attorney general and Secretary of War. Republican
Woodrow Wilson - Yankee: Johns Hopkins grad, Princeton president, old South family, Democrat
Warren Harding - outlier, neither Yankee nor Cowboy. won presidential nomination and election after the party could not pick one of the standard Yankee power players from "good" families. died in offfice from Cerebral hemorrage/heart disease . Republican.
Calvin Coolidge - Yankee, voted in as vice president. became president when Harding died. Lawyer from Vermont. father was rich land owner, politician. ancestros emigrated from UK in 1630. Republican
Herbert Hoover - Cowboy, Quaker born in Iowa and raised in California. Stanford grad. self-made man through mining interests out west. Secretary of Commerce. Republican.
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Yankee. born to rich as fuck old money Dutch family. Harvard Grad. Columbia Law School grad. Probably did more than any President to change US government. Served multiple terms due to war. Democrat.
Harry Truman - Cowboy. Born to farming family in Missouri. elected to public office as county official and worked his way to Vice presidential nomination after election as Senator. Democrat
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Yankee. Pensylvania Dutch heritage. 5-star general in WWII. Republican.
John F. Kennedy - Yankee. old super rich power family. Harvard grad. Military vet. massive social change advocate. assassinated. Democrat.
Lyndon B. Johnson - Cowboy (OBVIOUSLY). SW Texas State grad (now Texas State U), Texas congressman, Texas Senator, Majority leader in Senate. decorated Navy veteran. did NOT get along with his President Kennedy. Democrat.
Richard Nixon - Cowboy, Born in California. Served as US Senator from California. Raised a Quaker. Related to Bill Gates, Jimmy Carter and Grover Cleveland. Grew up poor, made himself who he was. Resigned Presidency. Republican.
Gerald Ford - Outlier. Became VP without being nominated or elected. became President without being elected. Only Eagle Scout to be US President. From Michigan. Navy veteran. Republican.
Jimmy Carter - Yankee. Raised in rural Georgia, part of large family of British settlers in 1635, all land owners and cotton farmers. Georgia senator and Governor. Navy vet. won the Dem nomination for President even though he was a political outsider in many ways. Democrat
Ronald Reagan - Cowboy. Raised poor in Illionois, lifelong Democrat who switched to Republican after being elected President of Screen actors guild and spending his time outing commies. Governor of California. Republican.
George H.W. Bush - Yankee. super old rich money New England. Navy veteran. started oil company with daddy's yankee money and became a millionaire by age 40. entered politics soon after. Congressman, ambassador, and Director of the CIA. Republican.
Bill Clinton - Cowboy. Born in Arkansas. Georgetown grad. married to old-money Yankee Hillary Rodham. Rhodes scholar. Oxford grad. Yale Law School GRaduate. Governor of Arkansas. Democrat.
George W. Bush - Yankee (disguised as a cowboy). Born in New Haven Conneticut. Old money power family. Yale grad. Harvard Business grad. Texas Governor. son of a president. Republican.
Barack Obama - Cowboy. Hawaii born. Columbia grad. harvard law grad. civil rights attorney. Illinois senator. Elected president. Democrat.
Donald Trump - Yankee. Born in Queens NY. In early 30's took over family real estate and construction business. lifelong democrat. wealthiest and oldest person ever elected president. Republican.