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Old 11.27.2016, 08:00 PM   #1894
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Originally Posted by ilduclo
well, I agree about old Joe....about the parties progress though, I still think it's headed in the right direction. Here in Oregon, we elected a bisexual woman governor and 9 new State Representatives for the Dems, not one of which is a white male. Our new Rep from our area is just as sharp and committed to good things as you could ever hope for. So, again, I like the direction that we're headed, multi-cultural, working class, LGBT friendly, a lot of female participation, etc.

Yes, I'm very proud of my neighbor home-state OR, as well as my actual home state of WA.

I mean, really, the American west and Pacific Northwest are pretty much golden. The entirety of the coast is a beautiful dark blue, and always has been. (And before you bring up Eastern Washington, it may as well not exist from a statistical standpoint. Some of those counties are blood red, and as scary as the Idaho panhandle in their old-boy beliefs, but they simply can't compete with King and Whatcom counties, where I was raised and where I'm proud to call my home.

But speaking as someone who's gone from the Pacific Northwest to (first) major cities in the Midwest and eventually to a rural town in the same area, I can tell you things don't look anywhere near as sunny, knowing that there are bizarro versions of Santa Cruz, Olympia and Portland all over this country, and having to live in one. This is probably a major source of my frustration. I went from one extreme to the other, and I can see the flaws in the thinking and delivery of the über-left social warriors I grew up with, and how the people in the rust belt respond to that kind of attitude and behavior.

God bless Seattle, but a lot of those hardcore liberals who have a voice come from Bellevue and Ravenna and Redmond and Mercer Island, and they're outright RICH to the common everyday working class American. Most of the "career" activists I know who always have time for rallies and community projects also have never spent a single second worrying about how they might take care of their parents in their old age. This is because they're median income was about $300,000 a year (per parent!) growing up, and they find themselves in very secure little lives where they can afford to do a lot of what they want. Ditto for California, and even Portland.

I've lost the thread of where I was going with this, but basically, Trump voters HATE these people, and would hate them even more if they knew them like I did. Of course, they kinda voted for one of these people, but that's beyond them.

Symbols has a good point about the Dems lack of mass appeal. Even true blue Dems here in the Midwest (the few I know) feel that the Dems no longer represent the working class, labor, the ubderdogs, or peaceful international conflict negotiation.

I still support Hillary fully, but the problem is bigger than her. The solution is ...fucked if I know. How to move forward and regain ground without going decidedly backward on multiple fronts -- it's beyond me.
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