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Old 11.26.2016, 09:32 PM   #1881
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i'm saying learn to sell

getting people to switch from coke to pepsi is all horseshit-- it's a game of persuasion.

if you wanna write a dissertation with your arguments for switching, fine, but nobody is going to read it.

give the customer what they want sell it to them-- that's what winning elections boils down to.

"compassionate conservatism"

"terrist nucular nucular terrist"

"hope" "change"

"the 47% moocher class" (last year's despicables) - oooops


what do you have to sell and why is it good for me? can you tell me in an 8th-grade language?

At this moment, no. But I'll work on just that. Seriously, not being sarcastic. If that's what you think will work, I will give it a try.

But Jesus, intentionally dumbing myself down is not something I've ever considered practicing. Bit heartbreaking, really. But I'm willing to think big picture and try anything at this point.
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