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Old 11.25.2016, 04:40 PM   #20048
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
The manic villain is really hard to pull off and, if you don't get it just right, can be excruciating. I've no problem with Eisenberg as an actor. I don't even necessarily think he was wrong for the part, it was just a really misguided interpretation. But the scenes right at the end, when he's in prison, if he'd played it more like that from the beginning, it might've worked a lot better.

Another issue was how underused Amy Adams was. Not that she's absent from a lot of the film but her sole point seemed to be just getting Superman to keep moving from location to location so he could save her. And the plot-holes that ensued as a result (if Superman always knew where she was, how come he didn't know where his mother was being kept?)

Also Alfred. I thought Jeremy Irons was great, but treated almost as a footnote.

And then there's the dream sequences!?!

I agree.

Amy Adams is great (and hot af in an apple cheeked, country bumpkin kind of way... sounds awful but really, she feels attainable... and I'm a terrible person), and far too gifted an actress for such a limited role. Ditto Jeremy Irons.

I actually think the cast of Man of Steel was great. BvS too, honestly. But it's just suffering from too much dumbass input.

Also... why wasn't Bryan Cranston tapped as Lex Luther? Man. Seeing him in Breaking Bad made me think that was where he was headed. I can think of a shit TON of other actors who'd do fine in the role as well.

Just... no more. Man of Steel 2 will come out, and if it sucks, then that will be BvS's fault, and I'll have to wait another generation to see Supes on screen.
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