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Old 11.25.2016, 10:18 AM   #20040
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Originally Posted by demonrail666

Batman v Superman

I enjoyed bits of this but in the end there was far too much muddle. If anything it does prove that Christopher Nolan can control complexity whereas Zack Snyder can't.

I actually grew to like Ben Affleck's Batman more than I expected but Eisenberg's Lex Luther was almost unwatchably irritating. As bad a villain as I can remember.

The main problem though was that it seemed to be trying to pack in far too much, to the point where at times I wasn't really sure what was going on (At one point I even had to check there wasn't a film that'd come after Man of Steel that I'd missed which would've helped me make more sense of it. )

In essence, whtever criticisms I have of Nolan, if you wanna see just how good he is at this kind of thing, watch Zack Snyder's efforts with similar material.

Well put. I too enjoyed it. How could I not, really, being the DC fan that I am? But it shoved too much in. Doomsday should have been a Supes solo film villain. This movie certainly wasn't as bad as a lot of people thought, but I'm pretty sure it was only made because the studio was sure that Batman would be a draw.

Man of Steel (which Nolan had more control over) was SO SO SO much better. It should have been followed up with a direct sequel. I for one have no interest or need to see the Justice League together in a film. Just Supes. Maybe Flash eventually. Wonder Woman, yeah, but in their own films. Batman should be left alone for a while. Hell, it's only been 4 years since Dark Knight Rises. Though I too was happier with Affleck's Bruce WYne than I thought I'd be... as Batman, he did nothing for me, and I thought his suit was stupid af.

Jess Eisenberg suffered from Joker syndrome BIG TIME in this movie. But to be fair, that wasn't actually Lex Luthor we were seeing. It was his "son" (re: clone, if they're going by the comics). Though why they decided to make that decision without making it more clear, I will never know. Big ass fuck up. Eisenberg is a good actor too, which made this very sad. He'd earned a few Oscar noms prior to this role, now a lot of people are just sick of him.
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