Originally Posted by demonrail666
It's marketed as a horror film but plays out more like a witch-trial era fairy tale. But even that doesn't really prepare you for it. It's almost indescribable. The dialogue is entirely in olde English which I can see putting a lot of people off but I definitely recommend it. Just approach it with an open mind, and perhaps an appropriate dictionary.
I didn't think it was tough to understand really. Loved the guy who played the dad (what a voice!). It is definitely not your average horror film, and skirts art-house a bit ... almost reminiscent of parts of Anti-Christ (the most fucked up movie ever made, btw).
Anyway, I loved it. The ending is what has been problematic for some people from what I've heard. I was fine with it though. The whole movie was good, several parts were downright horrifying. Good stuff.