Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i was saying there that your plot summary isn't what the movie "is really about". i'm talking about its larger/unconscious referent/symbolism.
in the case of aliens i haven't seen in ages but i think it was probably vietnam (and getting trapped in those vietcong tunnels, ouch).
i say this because i was reading up some shit about it and it said liek troop transports were like vietnam choppers. plus the flames. plus plus plus. aliens=vietcong?
I kinda thought this might have been what you meant, but then you seemed to be, like, really confused about which movie was which. So... sorry.
Anyway, yes, I've also heard that Vietnam was the inspiration for Aliens... in the same kind of general way that, say, A Tale of Two Cities was the inspiration for The Dark Knight Rises.
I think you've mentioned that you don't read a lot of science fiction, but Vietnam is a very common theme in late 20th century sci-fi. This was only slightly after the era of The Forever War and Starship Troopers, etc. which are both more about 'Nam than they are about what they claim to be about. It was sort of a fad. But yes, in short, I guess it's "about" Vietnam.
Well.. no. It's about aliens and a chick fighting them. It's informed by the post-Vietnam Zeitgeist though.
in any case-- don't care lol
Wow man. I'm so glad I wrote all that bullshit then.

(< not a sarcastic smiley... a "I'm just being silly" smiley, through and through. Promise.)
oh yes i might have to do this like TW and watch all in a row cuz monkey see monkey do
Aaaand now you're calling me a monkey. That's cool.
Seriously though, go watch them in order of release if you even sort of care, because they're all worth seeing at the very least. And include Prometheus at the end. I loved that one. Nice world-building.
Everything is better in Ridley Scott's hands. Except for maybe Kingdom of Heaven or whatever the fuck that fucking thing was.