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Old 11.10.2016, 06:49 PM   #4
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Severian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's asses
I'm so into Superman I almost throw the word "Kryptonian" into he mix when asked about my religious beliefs irl. I actually use Supes as a mental analogue for Jesus when the old Catholic habits (lolz) kick in. I currently read Action Comics and Superman as well as old trades.

Batman is my other big love. Was very much a DC kid, and Batman made a huge impression. I had a massive collection of Bats comics from a variety of titles in the '90s.

I collected feverishly as a kid. Stopped in high school. Started again in my early 20s. Stopped and started several times, but I'm currently an avid and regular reader of Batman and Detective Comics as well as the aforementioned Supes comics. I read Flash and Justice League here and there. Very little else that's new.

That's all I have for now but I will be frequenting this thread, you can bet your ass.

Also, my favorite artists are Tim Sale, John Romita Jr., Ben Templesmith and Frank Miller. Favorite TPB's include Batman: The Long Halloween, All-Star Superman, Dark Knight Returns/Strikes Again, the Eternals (Gaiman/Romita Jr. reboot), and a bunch of others.
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