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Old 11.02.2016, 10:42 AM   #923
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Severian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's asses
I've been blunting my IQ with CW superhero shows.

Don't judge me, assholes.

They're all SO stupid, but fun to varying degrees. The Flash, for instance, is downright ridiculous 50% of the time, but it seems to be aware of that ridiculousness so the fun moments aren't ruined. Sometimes it takes me back to watching Richard Donner's Superman when I was just a lad. That's a great feeling, definitely worth a bit of collateral retardation.

Arrow is just horrible. I can't think of a single unqualified positive thing to say about it. Unlike Flash, it takes itself ungodly seriously. In the comics, the Green Arrow stopped being such a painful Batman ripoff in the '70s, when he developed a sense of humor and became a hippie Errol Flynn kind of dude. In the show... Jesus... five seasons in and they're still trying to do Dark Knight on a high school musical budget with horrendous actors.

Actually, that's exactly what it's like. It's like a high school theater production of Batman: The Dark Version! only th director couldn't afford the real script so they're working with cheap knockoff characters and a bunch of sidekicks. Oh my god it's painful. But I still watch it.

Legends of Tomorrow is ... possibly the worst thing I've ever seen. I didn't think it was possible to bring complete and utter shame to both DC Comics AND Doctor Who (which the show endlessly apes) at the same time, but Time Master Rip Hunter and his band of merry misfits has managed to do just that.

Don't watch this show. Legends of Tomorrow. Well, maybe if you're with your nerdy friends and you have a bag of weed and need something to laugh at.

Now, on the other end of the spectrum Marvel has done some great things, not just on their R-rated Netflix sex n' blood romps, but on basic cable as well with Agents of SHIELD. Starts out shitty, but it's really grown into a hell of a good show. Just the right amount of dumbass hokey crap and seriousness, with special effects that aren't half bad compared to what Legends of Tomorrow shits out.

I'm also enjoying Gotham, flawed as it is. In the same way The Flash reminds me of Donner's Superman, Gotham takes me back to Tim Burton's Batman. Yes, of course, it's been done better in the interim years by Chris Nolan, but Gotham is a campy delight, pulled right from Burton's vision.
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