Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah the movie wasn't so scary as it was entertaining-- turns out spielberg took over the direction after disagreements with tobe hooper. and yeah it's totally his cut. things like the zolly in the corridor (straight out of jaws) and the mother charging with a football shirt on-- that has to be spielberg.
i did sympathize a lot with the lost child aspect though. that's gotta be a horrible thing for any parent. brrrrrr!
but here's the thing though-- they're not on any indian burial ground. in fact the movie goes out of the way to state this. the dad says to his boss--"at least it's not an ancient indian burial ground" or something like that. this is white-on-white desecrations. and the dead have coffins, watches, etc.
but see, it was superfunny to me that the movie starts with the national anthem. i was like "what's the meaning of this?" and immediately recalled jaws and the 4th of july. but no, it was just a dead channel (channels used to go dead, lol). so you say, it's nothing just the normal music. and then when they're finally at the holiday inn i started laughing cuz i got it.
i'll check out the sequel-- that was apparently tobe hooper on his own. but maybe i'll try texas chainsaw massacre first. i did try once and it grossed me out.
but this coming weekend-- EVIL DEAD 2!! (and later, army of darkness)
Wait, huh? Then... what'a the one with the "ancient Indian burial ground?" I know there's one of those out there. Always thought it was Poltergeist. Even the "remake" makes references to it.
I'm confused. So it was white folks the whole time?
Then I suppose it is pretty much awesome.
Watch the second one though. It's not as good as a film, but Rev. Kane makes it on to just about every "scariest demon/monster/ghoul" list that floats around on the internet.
They totally fucked him up for the third film. Don't bother with that one.