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Old 10.12.2016, 10:11 AM   #19752
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!


it was a lot of fun! some truly creepy moments, but mostly good rollercoaster entertainment a la jaws, except with "the beast" and ghosts. fucking spielberg was really on a roll in the 80s-- yes he didn't direct but this is evidently his baby.


I'm on the fence about this one in retrospect. Haven't seen it in forever, but it's always seemed almost deliberately offensive to me, what with the whole "ancient Indian burial ground" thing. Like, it's that kind of offensive from the '80s, when white guilt was starting to pour into pop culture, but before anyone really knew what to do with it. So they *kind of* made a movie about the white man getting his comeuppance, but they also kind of just made a movie that doubled down on the whole "savagery" portrayal of early Americans. "They're man-hunting savages, even in death!!!" I guess. Y'know?

But again, haven't seen it in forever.

I DO know that when I was younger, I considered Poltergeist II to be the absolute pinnacle of terror. They introduced that creepy ass "Kane" character (can't recall if he was supppsed to be symbolic of Cain, or if he was just a creepy old Luifer-request dude) and that old bastard haunted my dreams.

See, I think they nailed "scary" a bit better in the second film. Creepy old Lucifer-esque dudes with vaguely pedo inclinations are WAY scarier than amorphous ghosts floating around in houses. The fact that they made him WHITE and SOUTHERN (aaaaahhh!) just put it over the top for me.
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