Originally Posted by !@#$%!
still trying to find the original piranha which is buried due to licensing issues (not sure what). ... now i'm looking for the 1978 invasion of the body snatchers but i think it's another case of nowhere to be found.
That's just weird. Both of them are really easy to get here, and very cheap. Not sure what's going on in the US. As you say, must be some sort of licensing issue.
Also, if you get the chance, try and see Abel Ferarra's version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Really underrated.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the original of course.
I love that film. The scene where they set the dad on fire and the smoke comes out of his mouth is genuinely shocking.
I do think the family are deliberately made to be quite unsympathetic but not to the extent that we ever really consider siding with the cannibals. But then I don't think the film's really about the cannibals at all, as much as how 'civilised' society can descend into violence of its own when provoked. That seemed to be Wes Cravens big thing back then. It's all over Last House on the Left and sort of there in Nightmare on Elm Street (the parents killing Freddie). He had a social point; he just didn't beat you over the head with it the way the remake does.
Another Fulci last night ...
Zombie Flesheaters aka Zombi 2
Shameless attempt to cash in on Dawn of the Dead but it involves a zombie actually wrestling with a real (albeit apparently drugged) shark. One of the most ludicrously brilliant scenes I've ever seen in any film.
Also, Fulci's zombies looked much better than Romero's
Lucio Fulci. Fuck the rest.