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Old 10.01.2016, 05:14 AM   #1007
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Its not a fashion magazine, its about human life being utterly disregarded for the sake of power grab.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Assad started in mid-2000s with the potential as a reformer, he himself is well education and respected even if his family and regime have an atrocious history. However since 2011 he has revealed that he is entirely inept and weak and controlled by the regime OR he is actively a shameful, murdering war criminal.

one thing that distinguishes Syria from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and various other regimes (U.S.-aligned) throughout the region is religious freedom. In Syria, Sunnis, Christians, Alawites, Druze, Jews, and other religious groups are permitted to practice their religious faith freely. the government is secular, and respects the rights of the Sunni Muslim majority as well as religious minorities!

Syria’s political system is certainly in need of reform and modernization, and representatives of the Syrian government such as U.N. Ambassador Bashar Al-Jaafari readily admit this. however, the war which has raged across Syria for the last five years, is NOT about reform, democratization or modernization.

in terms of international law, the United States has invaded Syria, a sovereign country and United Nations member state. This is the not the first time, though Arizona Sen. John Mccain crossed into Syria without a visa to meet with anti-government fighters in 2013.

as U.S. media bemoans the humanitarian crisis, somehow blaming on the Syrian government and its president, and the U.S. directly sends its military forces into the country, the people of the world should ask western leaders and their allies: why are you prolonging this war? why can’t you just leave Syria alone? isn’t five years of war enough? is overthrowing the Syrian government really worth so much suffering and death?

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
governments don't have half the population fleeing in exile, voting with their feet. Legitimate governments don't have to rely solely on military force and violence to govern. Legitimate governments don't kill tens of thousands of civilians.

millions of them became refugees, because of military rebel groups so called opposition forces caused havoc and destruction in whole country. men dragged on streets and brutally slaughtered? women, children? cities destroyed, ancient heritage places blown up by controled demolitions to bits? no, Assad did it, he would kill all of his own people and destroy all of his country into bits so he can have a power grab.

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
did Putin send you or is it Assad?


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
but what does that have to do with Assad regime and their bullshit war against civilians?

it is not a civil war anymore! it is a proper war by now!

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
, so I am the one who is brainwashed meanwhile you are waving the flag of an evil regime that is killing thousands of its own civilians.

History will demonstrate that it is YOU and your bullshit fanboy attitude about Putin and Assad that are in the wrong here. I don't have to argue anything, reality speaks well enough for itself.

oh here we go again. evil regime that is killing thousands of its own civilians. sounds like cnn (hope on tonight news they will at least match right video to right area or era) and spinning same narrative for millionth time. blame, blame, blame. got used to it by now.

and I am not antiwestern!

and how DARE YOU call me Putin's and Assad's fanboy, how DARE YOU!

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