Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
yup, its not quite a funny movie, i don't recall ever actually laughing during it, and it tries to be a horror movie but doesn't ever scare either.
i like it everytime i see it. i think its actually kind of original
Oh man, my dad and I used to laugh our asses of at Tremors. Not in a "oh that was so dumb it was funny" way, or in a Watchmen way (so serious it becomes insanely dumb, and therefore funny), but in a genuinely comical way.
I'll try again: we didn't laugh AT the movie, we laughed WITH the movie. We laughed at the characters and the line delivery. I definitely think it was intentionally funny. More self-aware camp gore than actual horror. If it wasn't aiming for fun, it would have been rated R. Pretty sure it was pg-13.
Great movie though. Probably even a classic at this point. There's something really endearing about it basically being "Jaws... in the dirt" that says a lot about where their heads were at. They were happily making a b-movie, and the result was a pretty massive cult hit that people still fall for to this day.